Monday, June 1, 2009

BB Ma Chao Blue Destiny Part 2

Let continue my BB Ma Chao Blue Destiny
i will start withhow i paint on tis kit
First at all paint all the "gold" part in to gold colour Bcoz cant stand the original colour
Paint the "moustache" into red colour
Put the Sticker to the special part which design for the transform gimmick
After put the eye part in the head
As u rotate the thing at the up of the head the eye will rotate........
and change into berserk mode which featuring the Blue Destiny EXAM system 
paint  the main camera into my new Gundam marker metalic green ^^ , and the outcome is satisfy
I been consider a very long period to decide whenever keep its colour or paint it in black
and final result is keep the original colour and the head is completed
paint the shoulder,leg, and wraist part into silver with my silver Gundam marker
Hornestly i feel unsatisfy with tis marker it look more lik grey to me feel being cheat TT
after the colour dry paint other part with gold on the leg part
gold colour for edge and red for the ribon which i done at wraist part
As i paint on the kit my blue is too bright so i decide left the blue part so tis make tis kit not paint heavily continue in part 3

1 comment:

  1. o.0 u backside itchy ah open painting guide
